About AV-RD
Company: AV-RD e.U.
AudioVisual Research & Development - for Long-Term Preservation.
Based in Austria (Europe)
Founded by its current CEO: Peter Bubestinger-Steindl.
UID: ATU 70313939
Company Registration No.: FN 477 875 h (Firmenbuch)
Our General Terms and Conditions (since 2022-12): [English] | [Deutsch]
Who we are? A short description.
Consisting of a team of IT-specialists, developers,
consultants and trainers - who specialized in using
and developing Free Software / Open Source solution for professional use-cases.
Mainly on GNU/Linux and Windows platforms.
Our main customers are memory institutions like archives and museums, but also companies that provide products for long-term preservation.
We also provide trainings for users and IT-administrators, as well as support for selected Open Source applications, such as FFmpeg, VirtualDub/VirtualDub2, DVDisaster or other applications on demand.